10 Activities for Preschool at Home

Note: last year, I was planning to post a short series of kids' craft projects, but didn't quite get there. Now seems like a good time to get started on that, so here you are, my first list of kid activities...

In our area, it seems like most kids are in a preschool or day care by this age, but we've chosen to do things differently so far. I mean, we play toys at home, or play outside, paint, read, and do other 'preschool' activities...I just don't drive the kids to a preschool or daycare every day.

At the same time, I do think it’s important for everyone to have friends and build relationships. Preschool programs are one way to do that, but in our situation, we've found other ways to connect other families and children around my kids’ ages. So, here are five activities we do with other families, and five we do on our own:

Play with a group:

  1. Visit your library for story times
  2. Explore a local nature center or state park (ours hosts weekly nature walks)
  3. Join MOPS (I haven't tried this one, but I know many people recommend it)
  4. Try a children's class at a community center
  5. Create your own playgroup

Play on your own:

  1. Talk a lot, and read a lot
  2. Try to answer a complicated ‘why’ question using library books, YouTube, or some other form of research
  3. Find a green space such as an arboretum, a botanical garden, or even a local playground
  4. Play in the water occasionally...in the bathtub, in a swimming pool, at a water park, or in a rain puddle
  5. Plan messy times, especially if the house needs cleaning anyway

Of course, this list is based partly on where I live, because these are all places and activities available in my (metro) area. If you live in a more rural area, you may find a different range of options.

What kinds of activities do you enjoy?

See also:
