New Online Store & Other Resources

a children's picture bookThis has been a year of change, so it's time to try something new!

For the past few years, I've kept a small stock of my books on hand for craft fairs and author events. Some of these copies have the original covers for Who Laid the Egg? and The Rocket that Flew to Mars from when I published those books in 2017. (Both books got new covers in 2019!)

With the world being upside down right now, though, I don't know whether I will be able to attend any in-person author events this fall. So, it's time to clear out my stock and start fresh . . .

Check out my new online bookstore!

I've added all of my current stock to the bookstore and marked it down by as much as 40%.

If you'd like me to sign & personalize the books, just leave a note in the comment box during checkout with you name (or whichever names you'd like me to write in the book).

I should mention - my newest book, Can a Spider Be Fluffy? isn't available in the store at the moment, since I haven't gotten any stock for it yet. It is still available from Amazon and other major bookstores, though, along with all of my other books.

Also--did I mention trying something new? Keep an eye out, because I've actually got another new project in the works! More on that later . . .

new project - coming soon

Until then, though, feel free to explore these other resources and activity pages!
